~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Tesseracts 11 Update and Road Trip Pics! ~ Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Well, the page is up!
Tesseracts 11. Of course, perhaps this whole pseudonym thing is overrated, since it seems to cause some confusion:
Susan Deefholts on one page,
Khria Deefholts on the other. The same thing happened with the Anglo-Indian anthology too. I ended up as Susan Nagy on one credit and Susan Deefholts on another (I think the cover promises a piece by Susan Nagy, while the actual book only delivers one by Susan Deefholts). Likely, I was the only one to notice the disparity, in that instance.
So, though I'd like to go for the "it's now out there and I have nothing I can do to change it" distancing effect of a pseudonym, perhaps that's just not meant to be. But, hopefully, they'll send a galleys (and I also hope this posting on their website is the preliminary mockup with the content roughed in, since there are a few typos. I don't want to be the one to point that out to them, so I can only hope that someone else does, or they pick up on it themselves!).
Here, too, is the link to the pics from our road trip! I loaded them in Facebook, but the link should still work.
In other news, our screen door is broken as a result of persistent efforts on the part of the furniture delivery guys. They tried really really hard to get the thing in, but even with the laws of physics slightly bent and the bohemoth mostly in the door, something had to give. Better the ~40 year-old screen door than the new, leather, sofabed couch, destined to save us oodles of cash and help reduce energy consumption on hot days, when we can sleep in the basement rather than turn on the AC.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 6:31 PM::