~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Wallace Wu and Cynthia Dale ~ Saturday, March 24, 2007
I found this concert, with orchestra@uwaterloo and Wallace Wu strangely moving. I think it was partly because he was so young and so good. I thought about the work and the dicipline needed to get where he had gotten with his skill level and talent. I'm finding myself very moved by the poignancy of youth, these days.
Cynthia Dale's concert was pretty good. I wasn't blown away, but it was fun. It was just her rendition of "When I Grow too old to Dream" that moved me. Of course, I was writing the review as I watched, which didn't lend itself to getting really engaged by the concert and the performance. But I actually managed to finish the review for the 10 pm filing deadline. I was really astonished at myself for that. The concert wasn't even completely over (they were in the encores). It's a lot of pressure and kind of exhausting, but also a nice feeling to come home after (feeling exhausted, as mentioned) and not have to think about writing a review on top of everything else. So there's definitely a good night to having to file by 10 on the night of the concert. It would be more difficult for classical, I think.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 10:46 AM::