~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Abbey Road! ~ Thursday, April 12, 2007
Here's the latest (you have to scroll about halfway down the page to get to the review). It was a fun concert. It was also another one of those "watch the concert while I write about it." It engenders an interesting kind of performance anxiety on my part (and extra sympathy for the performers up on stage!!)... at least with the other reviews, I've got a few hours afterwards to think about it, come up with an angle, and then jump into the review. This... well, it's nutty! The concert goes by extraordinarily quickly, and the intermission is one of the few times when I can go back, review what I've written with few distractions and try to pull together my thoughts for what's to come after!
And of course, there's the worry that nothing will come this time and after two hours' of frantic writing, I'll read back to discover that all I have written is "all work and no play makes Susan a dull girl" over and over again... :-)
But, thank goodness, that hasn't happened yet. And the upside is that I hit "send" at 10 pm and it's done. I walk out and don't have to worry anymore. Even if I'm not totally happy with the review, it's too late to change at that point!
In general, though, it was a nutso day yesterday--partly in a fun way. I got a copy of one of my pieces that had been reprinted in the newspaper "India abroad." I had the impression that it was only a couple of excerpts that they printed, but it was actually the whole thing (or close enough to the whole thing that I didn't notice what they would have left out). Way cool! It didn't pay, but it's another thing to add to my cv at least! It's nice to have a diversity of publications to list, IMO.
I also had to do minutes to a meeting we had a while ago, plus the agenda for the next one, which is today. I also had to work on some other documentation for that. Whew! Then off to the review (didn't even have a chance to make notes on it ahead of time!). And after that, we went to a local restaurant where they have jazz jammin' every Wednesday. Tom and a co-worker had the plan of jammin together with the guys (Sy, his work friend, plays the baritone sax). It was fun. It's always interesting to see who shows up.
The next few days also promise to be busy, with the culmination coming this weekend--an editing seminar on Saturday (should be really interesting), followed by another concert that I'll review that night. I'll have the next day to work on the review, BUT, I've got committments at UU the next morning. Crazy!! Then, Sunday night, I'm hoping to get out to TO to pick up the other car, as next week is also gonna be busy, and may well be "we need two cars again if possible" busy.
Off to work!
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 11:13 AM::