~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Yeesh! ~ Thursday, March 01, 2007
My, but it will be a busy few days!
Tomorrow, I am slated to meet with Carolyn to discuss her manuscript (which is really good, IMO). Then, I may be going over to Lee's place to learn how to update the UU website. I also need to fit in plenty of singing practice and potentially a duet practice with Vicky (whom I haven't heard from with regard to whether she's interested in joining me in the evening).
In the evening is the coffee house, where I may be singing with Vicky as well as solo--or maybe just solo. I'll also be singing with the women's group. Whew!
Saturday, breakfast with Karen, then the Kitchener market, followed by Cafe Conversation. Maybe an afternoon free, and then an evening concert that I'll be reviewing for the Record. Sunday, UU (maybe--depends on how late I'm up Saturday working on the review), and makin' music with Judith and John in the evening. That should be way fun!
.... and then it's au revoir weekend. We hardly knew ye!
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 10:11 PM::