~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Da Capo Review and other things ~ Monday, March 05, 2007
First of all,
here is my latest review! I only realised that I had somehow left out the word "the" in one sentence this morning, as I read it in print. But, the nice news is that it was the first Arts link this morning on The Record's main page (previously, my reviews were only featured on the second arts page). One is tempted to say that this is because, perhaps (haven't gone out and bought the paper yet, so I can't say for certain) there is only one arts page today. But still, it's nice that mine is the first link people can click on under Arts on the MAIN Record page! Yippee!
I'm about to head off to buy a few copies of the paper, as the way the story was laid out makes it difficult to print cleanly. I'm instead just going to go the old fashioned way and literally cut'n paste the piece on a sheet of paper and photocopy it. :-)
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 9:45 AM::