~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Glorious Friday ~ Friday, March 10, 2006
Luck was on my side, or perhaps the Gods were smiling. I found my rain jacket-y thing yesterday at Costco (they had just been put out that morning!). The colour ("blossom") isn't really one of my faves, but I guess it's nice and cheerful and spring-y at least. And the price was eminently reasonable, which is always a bonus--and I've generally been happy with the clothing quality of stuff I've bought at the big "c".
I also managed to acquire three purples during my sojourn at Wallmart. The only micro-mini umbrella I could find that worked happened to be purple, and I just happened to glance over at my other two items (a clearance sweater and a novel) to find that they, too, were purple. The additional note of synchronicity was that the book was the latest/third book in Evelyn Vaughn's grail keeper books. I don't follow such things, and so I didn't know it was out (last week, I checked the pub's website for the March releases and there was no mention of it). Turns out, it was a Feb. release, and the folk at the shop just happened to have not taken it down yet. So, lucky me. I'm looking forward to reading it. I loved the first book--the second was okay. But this has a new protagonist, which can often revitalize things. So, yippee.
Well, off to my voice lesson. I've a feeling I won't be getting a surfeit of writing done today--I also went for an extral long walk this morning to test out my new raincoat. To my chagrin, it had dropped a goodly number of degrees by the time I finished my coffee and headed home, so I really had to boot it to not be deeply chilled. But the coat seems to perform its "100% waterproof" function expediently, so that's the important thing.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 11:59 AM::