~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Stuff to do and Goals ~ Monday, February 27, 2006
I have a few things to do:
return library books, pick up some food and so on.
My goals for the day are to
get 15-20 pages further in the edits/rewrites.
do a workout.
go for a walk.
Not much to say, other than that. Yesterday was clear but cold. We walked to UU, and it definitely got chilly. But, it was still good. The walk back got me a bit tired (I think the extremes of temperature must take their toll on the body and cause greater exhaustion, because we walked far more in San Antonio, and I was far less tired by the end of the day). We also went to IKEA to scope out what we'll be buying for once the renovations are complete. Saturday, we did errands and shopped around (for more furniture and the like) and then we had Kris, Martha and Mike Habischer over for a double feature of Hamlet and R&G are Dead. It was a success, though the two movies were rather long, so we were all tired after and didn't end up really discussing them much. And Friday (to go back to where we last left off) evening, we went to Mike and Kelly's for Mike's b-day party. It was fun.
So in all, an unusually busy weekend. Today also promises to be uninvitingly cold, but if I bundle up and walk briskly, then it would probably be rather pleasant to go for a bit of a tromp about and get some exercise that way (it's more entertaining, visually, than doing the cross trainer in the basement).
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 8:12 AM::