~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Cy-Borges ~ Sunday, January 13, 2008
Apparently, it's the name of a new collection of essays dealing with how Borges prefigured the Internet in his short stories. Here's the
article from the NYT.
here, too, is the letter, in which the respondent adds another story to the list of Internet precursors to be found in Borges's extraordinary oeuvre of short fiction. What can I say? Borges Rules!! And I have to agree--the metaphors are apt and resonant, IMO, in the same way that Tennyson's Locksley Hall excerpt "For I Dipped into the Future" describes, in a metaphorical way, the events to come. Nothing literal and there's no claim that Borges actually envisaged the internet as it would appear, but The Book of Sand, the Library of Babel et al. really are beautifully eloquent evocations of the Internet in all its profusions.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 1:07 PM::