~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Last Minute Crafts and Other Adventures ~ Sunday, December 17, 2006
Well, today has certainly been eventful:
a quick swing through a host of errands, from reserved book at the library pick up to drawing cash for the craft fair...
then, Toronto, and the last minute craft fair, organized by Erin.
Tom's mom was also there, at one of the tables, selling her lovely necklaces and beadwork.
We shopped around and I got quite a bit of funky gear, including a set of five buttons that were the first five letters of the Ghastlycrumb Tinies (that's all Erin has made, so far and I've got 'em all now! She made them into magnets. They're now on the fridge, and boy, are they tiny!). I find that particular tale deeply unsettling but oddly enchanting and charming at the same time. Go figure.

I also got a spider box (i.e. a box with a nice spider painted onto it). The image is on his website as available but now it is mine! Muahahaha. I do like spiders, after all. Looking at
his website, I also like his "spooky box" and trees, but he didn't have any of those there, alas, or I would have bought one for sure. But I'm very happy with the spider box too.
How novel--an illustrated post, with all the bells and whistles. Guess who recently got a new camera? Though the spider box photo wasn't even taken by my camera. It's just a bonus.

We also ran into Mark and Sarah--and their daughter Thea. The last time we had seen Mark and Sarah was about a year and a half ago, and Thea wasn't yet born, so it was lovely meeting her for the first time!
After the craft fair, we rushed to pick up a tree for Tom's mom, then head back to Waterloo because Tom has a gig tonight. Which is where he's at right now! I went for a bit. One day when I'm feeling adventurous, I'll go figure out youtube and then load up a few video clips onto there, since someone's new camera can also do those and despite being a cynic about such features, I'm finding it surprisingly fun. I've filmed a few of the cats already.
Then tomorrow, I have choir practice first thing and on down the list and through the day. Lots and lots to do! No further revisions yet accomplished. I'm hoping to do some tomorrow, even if they end up just being line edits. I figure that will at least be a start. If the harder stuff isn't yet coming, I'll work on the easy stuff--and hopefully something will fall into place for the more challenging bits. *sigh*
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 12:00 AM::