~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Stuff to do and Goals ~ Monday, February 27, 2006
I have a few things to do:
return library books, pick up some food and so on.
My goals for the day are to
get 15-20 pages further in the edits/rewrites.
do a workout.
go for a walk.
Not much to say, other than that. Yesterday was clear but cold. We walked to UU, and it definitely got chilly. But, it was still good. The walk back got me a bit tired (I think the extremes of temperature must take their toll on the body and cause greater exhaustion, because we walked far more in San Antonio, and I was far less tired by the end of the day). We also went to IKEA to scope out what we'll be buying for once the renovations are complete. Saturday, we did errands and shopped around (for more furniture and the like) and then we had Kris, Martha and Mike Habischer over for a double feature of Hamlet and R&G are Dead. It was a success, though the two movies were rather long, so we were all tired after and didn't end up really discussing them much. And Friday (to go back to where we last left off) evening, we went to Mike and Kelly's for Mike's b-day party. It was fun.
So in all, an unusually busy weekend. Today also promises to be uninvitingly cold, but if I bundle up and walk briskly, then it would probably be rather pleasant to go for a bit of a tromp about and get some exercise that way (it's more entertaining, visually, than doing the cross trainer in the basement).
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 8:12 AM::
Better today ~ Friday, February 24, 2006
I'll have to start treating this as my morning pages. But, so far the writing is actually slightly improved: it's 9:36 and I've actually managed to write a few lines before getting distracted and wandering off on a tangent! Miracle of miracles!!
My plans for the day:
Errands (RRSP stuff, picking up some groceries, some shoes and returning some rug samples--ah the joys of renovation! and get video)
Work out once the lads have finished their work for the day.
Go for a walk.
Revise to page 45 or 50.
Meditate (Walking meditation?)
Kelly's tonight for the party!
Bed by eleven because we've got lots to do tomorrow in anticipation of having a video night with friends.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 9:37 AM::
Procrastination again! ~ Thursday, February 23, 2006
I fear there may be a theme emerging here. Hopefully I'll be able to buck the trend before it even becomes a trend!
So, today, the procrastination consisted of emailing with a woman named Marcy Italiano, who writes horror. I also chatted on Skype with my cousin Terry in Australia for about an hour!! Sheesh! But it was very nice to catch up with him, and he sent some lovely photos of his kids and his family.
I also did something else that I can't remember, but which also succeeded in shaving a bit more time off from writing.
So, my plan for the day. Complete the scene in which Sophie's popularity grows. Maybe even end with her next partner coming to dance and her decision to be charming with him as well. Begin next scene two days later, in which she sees Julian at the dance.
So that's the plan for today. And then later, to Zehrs, to the factory shoe place. Also, a walk and a workout (or just a workout?). We'll see how much of all that gets done.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 12:27 PM::
~ Wednesday, February 22, 2006
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 8:40 PM::
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 8:37 PM::
Okay, enough. I've been up since 7 and have successfully managed to avoid doing much writing today.
So, time to make notes on what I'm planning to write for the day.
I have to finish off the scene with Perry, Mrs. Lamott and Sophie. Then, I'll cut to the ball, where she's standing up with a young fellow. They dance, and she notices the tension in him, for the first time. She manages to put him at ease and even enjoy a conversation with him. She soon finds other men taking notice of her, and by the end of the evening, she's in demand as a dance partner.
Cut to two nights later, when she goes to the ball where she meets up with Julian again. That should do me for the day...
The pictures below, btw, are my attempts to figure out how to get a picture on the blog site so I can post it to my profile. I have, I think, finally succeeded.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 11:26 AM::
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 11:01 AM::
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 10:50 AM::
San Antonio and Snow Crows ~ Monday, February 20, 2006
Pictures from our recent trip to San Antonio.
Also, last night, a murder of crows gathered in the trees in our back yard. Tom snapped a photo. Appropriately, last night they were screening "The Birds" on the movie channel. Oddly enough, in the mornings and evenings, in SA, the birds liked to gather and check in with each other in front of our hotel and along the walk downtown. It was kind of creepy--they were everywhere, on the lampposts, buildings, filling the trees, along all the phone wires. You had to be careful where you walked in order to avoid being "baptized" by airborne missiles from above.
Alas, we didn't get any photos of that, however.
The snow picture was taken this very morning.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/leda_swann/ ::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 12:28 PM::