~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Convalescence Continued ~ Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Things are only getting better, thus far. I was even able to do a bit of dancing at the New Years' Eve party, which I was pleased about!
We have also been having a great time out here, visiting the family. It's always so nice to be back in my old stomping grounds, even when the weather is dismally grey. At least it's not frigidly cold!
I have been reading Harper's lately and have been really enjoying many of the articles in it. Fascinating stuff. Last night, I suggested to the DH that we might want to consider subscribing, considering how much better the subscription price is than the newsstand price--only to learn that we apparently had this very conversation when I was in the hospital. He subscribed weeks ago. I have completely forgotten the dialogue in question--it was when I was still on morphine, or that's my excuse, anyway!
That's it for now! But I may try to post some of my ruminations about the fascinating stuff I've been reading in Harper's.
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 11:49 AM::