~ There is only one journey: going inside yourself. ~
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Good Omen: No Titanic ~ Thursday, January 18, 2007
I didn't get into the Titanic, but I figure that's likely a good omen, since we're going on a cruise in a couple of weeks. It might be inauspicious to be cast in a show about the most spectacular shipwreck in history just before leaving for a nautical journey of our own on a luxury liner...
I'm also not surprised, given my previous comments. I get the impression there was not shortage of auditionees, and so a flubbed audition in which they wouldn't have gotten a particularly good sense of my singing etc. couldn't have been a big draw.
My only disappointment is that I held off on registering for bellydancing and drumming because of this, and now I suspect it might be too late. But I'll look into it and see. Of course, I'll be away in a couple of weeks, and then Mum's out visiting, so it might not work out. But we'll see. Or I noticed they had a drop in option, so I might see about that...
And I'm sure I'll contrive to keep myself busy regardless. I have masses of articles to write, now--with another review slated for February 15th. Fun! I also have Carolyn's poetry book project to edit and I'm excited about that as well. I think she's pulled together a really strong selection of pieces and I'm looking forward to spending more time with them.
Back to the Regency... I'm in the middle of the big scene between Julian and Sophie where they're basically going to discuss one of the central conflicts of narrative. It's pretty heavygoing--and after this, they'll have a few, halcyon days, having negotiated a short-term compromise. And then, the next incarnation of the conflict will rear its ugly head and I'll have to work out a good counterbalance of external conflict to go with this internal issue so that it all comes together in one climactice finale. Ahem. Did I mention I want to send this out by the end of next week and I'm basically rewriting the latter part of the novel because I've realised it doesn't work? On the other hand I did write 50K words in a month... so there's no reason this shouldn't be do-able!! Unless, of course, it isn't. Or my muses decide to head off for an early vacation (please, please don't do that!!)
::Posted by Anduril Elessar @ 11:57 PM::